Kata Kunci:
Cost budged plan, Building Information Modeling, construction efficiencyAbstrak
This research aims to analyze the comparison of work volume calculations and cost budget plans for the BRI Bank building construction project in Medan using the Building Information Modeling (BIM) method and conventional methods. The data used in this research is building volume data that was planned by redesign using Autodesk Revit. This data includes building technical data, such as building area, number of floors and volume of work. The research results show that using the BIM method with Autodesk Revit can produce more accurate work volume calculations compared to conventional methods. This has an impact on calculating the cost budget plan which is also more accurate. In addition, the BIM method has been proven to be able to increase efficiency and effectiveness in managing construction projects, especially in terms of coordination between disciplines, reducing design errors, as well as optimizing costs and time for project implementation. The results of the comparative analysis carried out turned out that the RAB for implementing the BIM method was IDR. 2,976,607,161 while the total cost using the conventional method is Rp. 3,280,583,049. The RAB calculation using the BIM method is 9.27% smaller than the conventional method.
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