Tentang Jurnal Ini

DYNAMICS: Journal Architecture and Engineering is a research journal published by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat. The journal is dedicated for those whose expertise are related to the field of architecture in a broader sense. This journal covers area of Architecture and Design, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, History, Theory and Architecture Critics, Building Physics and Sciences, Housing and Human Settlement, Civil Engineering, Resource and Environmental. Writers who have articles in this field can adapt them to writing guides and templates then send them online on the journal website by registering first.

was initiated in 2024 and it was published semesterly on December and July. DYNAMICS will soon publish volume 1 to immediately process E-ISSN, Also, with E-ISSN the journal uses the publication name as DYNAMICS: Journal of Architecture and Engineering.

DYNAMICS is managed by the OJS team from LPPM IMAT. Additionally, and currently submissions to this journal are free of shipping, editing, and publication fees.