
  • Darnianti Darnianti University Quality Author
  • Amdani Sarumah Universitas Quality Author
  • Sindy Sindy Universitas Quality Author


pool water, chlorine levels, bacteria levels, disinfectant


This research aims to analyze the relationship between chlorine levels and bacteria levels in pool water. Swimming pools are a recreational facility that many people are interested in, but if they are not managed properly, they can become a source of disease spread through contaminated water. Chlorine is used as a disinfectant to kill bacteria and microorganisms in pool water. The research method used was direct observation in several swimming pools, as well as taking water samples for testing in the laboratory. The parameters measured are chlorine levels and the number of bacterial colonies in the pool water. The data obtained was then analyzed to determine the correlation between chlorine levels and bacteria levels. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between chlorine levels and bacteria levels in pool water. The higher the chlorine level, the lower the number of bacterial colonies found. However, chlorine levels that are too high can also cause irritation to pool users. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate optimal chlorine levels to maintain pool water quality and user health.


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