A strong work culture plays an important role in the success of a construction project. This research aims to analyze the influence of work culture on construction project performance in North Sumatra. Using a quantitative approach through questionnaires, data was collected from 150 respondents involved in various construction projects in the region. Analysis was carried out using descriptive statistical methods and simple linear regression. The research results show that the implementation of an inclusive and proactive work culture significantly improves project performance. Case studies of the Medan-Kualanamu-Tebing Tinggi Toll Road construction project and the revitalization of Kualanamu International Airport in North Sumatra show that a work culture that encourages communication, teamwork and innovation can contribute to project completion on time and within budget. The results of this research indicate the importance of implementing a strong work culture to ensure the success of construction projects in North Sumatra. This research provides important insights for project managers and practitioners to increase the efficiency and success of construction projects through improving work culture.
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